
My Many Sides

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Giving is always something I did because I was taught that there is always someone worse off then yourself.  There have been times that I didn't always believe this. As an example, when I had to live in my car in the early 70's because of being homeless.  The strange thing is that from being a Girl Scout for years and having developed survival skills, I turned my car into a home.

So as I listen to the news lately, apartments are burning down, children are starving and homeless, and I realize again that I am extremely lucky.  Granted I have a rather piss-ass body right now that is driving me somewhat crazy, and I am trying to let go of many dreams, but I am still lucky.

As I found out the last few years, being a small business did not work for me.  So now is the time to have a not going to do the business idea sale again. I am the first to admit it was a rather tough blow to my ego, and the fact that we got to travel all over and meet wonderful people I miss.

I also will be giving up some of my physical giving, such as knitting, sewing and handwork, but I figure that to give forward is what I still want to do.  So I am going to get  more creative on how to do what makes me feel that there is a reason for me to be here on Earth.  

While we were packing up more dolls and other things to sell I asked Al did we have things in our pantry and linen closet that we did not need or use any more.  The answer was rather amazing.  We managed to get 3 large garbage bags full of linens.  We are not taking in any more strays, so we only have one bed now, not four.  We also have managed to fill two boxes with food to take to the food pantry.  Next comes the dishes and pots and pans.

I wonder if this a what most people start to do as they get older, or do they wait till it is too late and have someone else make the decisions? I think that due to both our mother's dying last year, it has been a catalyst for us to downsize.  It is a rather monumental task, and we are exhausted, but Al starts college next week and we need to get a lot done before then.

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