
My Many Sides

Thursday, February 2, 2012

4 Letter Word

There are a lot of 4 letter words that people consider cursing and the one that I hate the most is PAIN....

The last few days have been full of pain for me and I could really do without it.  I hate Polio...and all of it's pain.  I am not afraid to say that I hate it, it won't make it worse to say so or just is.

Today I could not get up till 12:30pm because my body said no, it had kept me up till 3:30am.  I have not slept in the past few nights and it makes me crabby...really crabby.

Some days I handle with grace and dignity, but today is one of those days I wish I could take a pill and make the pain go away, unfortunately there is no pill for this pain.  The cold and dampness of Michigan is a killer and I hope we can leave and find a better climate, for myself and for Al's pain.

It is been researched that when one member of a marriage is in constant pain, the other member walks away about 65-70%.  When you have two people in non-treatable pain there does not seem to be research to figure it out.

Someday I hope that Al and I can sleep through the night, wake up refreshed and just have a wonderful pain free life.  I have been told by doctors that will only happen when we die.  Me, I am still interested in proving the medical world wrong and retire with my honey and watch beautiful sunsets.

1 comment:

  1. Mitigate. Leave the harsh wet winters. Find a place to camp in the climate that makes you comfortable. The rest will come in its own time. Love you Big Sis.


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